The Link Between Hair Relaxers and Uterine Cancer

Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with uterine cancer, endometrial cancer, or non-serious ovarian cancer? It may be related to the over-the-counter use of chemical hair relaxers. The long-term use of these products is linked to an increased risk of certain types of cancers in women. At The Yost Legal Group, we are...


Warning About Chemical Hair Relaxers and Cancer

Occasional use of chemical hair relaxers usually is not dangerous. But regular or heavy use is often hazardous. If a woman’s hair does not absorb all of the harsh chemicals present in the relaxer, they go to her scalp, are absorbed through her skin, and then alter the hormone balance in her body. In fact,...


Major Issues with Hair Relaxers Lead to Lawsuits

Hair relaxers often contain formaldehyde, benzene, and parabens, three known dangerous substances. These products also contain phthalates, bisphenol A, ammonium thioglycolate, guanidine carbonate, dimethyl sulfoxide, and other powerful chemicals that are not entirely safe. As such, according to the U.S. government, women who use hair relaxers have three times the risk of certain kinds of...


Learn About the Link Between Chemical Hair Relaxers and Uterine Cancer

It was a beautiful day in June, and Grace was getting ready for work. She had been using chemical hair relaxers and straighteners for years. It was part of her beauty routine to keep her hair looking great. Little did she know that the chemicals in these products may have been putting her at risk...