FDA to Review Rules for Over-the-Counter Drugs

The FDA has launched a review of the way it determines the safety of over-the-counter drugs such as acetaminophen. Current regulations allow the manufacturers of over-the-counter medications to drag their feet when it comes to updating warning labels. The process of increasing the warning on a potentially dangerous drug can take years, during which time hundreds, if not thousands, of people can suffer serious and fatal injury due to misuse.

The scope of the review is large and impacts tens of thousands of over-the-counter products. However, victims of dangerous drugs needn’t wait for the FDA to finish its review to seek justice following injury.

We can Help

The Baltimore defective drug lawyers at The Yost Legal Group are here to help you get the justice you deserve. We have years of experience holding negligent pharmaceutical companies accountable and know exactly what needs to be done in these cases to get maximum compensation for our clients.

A formal review of FDA policies is a step in the right direction, but not enough to help current victims. We are here to take your case and fight for you, helping you get the true compensation you deserve.

To schedule your free consultation with an experienced Baltimore defective drug attorney, please contact The Yost Legal Group today.