klumpke’s palsy

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report there are 3,952,841 babies born each year in the United States.  Approximately one in every 1,000 of these births result in an injury to a baby’s brachial plexus – a webbed network of five nerves located below the neck and above each shoulder.  The brachial plexus controls movement and the sense of touch in the fingers, wrists, arms and shoulders. A brachial plexus injury may be the result of a medical provider’s mistake.

If the baby weighs too much (macrosomia) or has shoulders too wide for the birth canal (feto-pelvic disproportion), the baby’s shoulder can get caught (shoulder dystocia) on the mother’s pelvic bone during vaginal birth. When this happens, the baby’s head presents but the baby’s body does not descend through the birth canal.  Shoulder dystocia is an obstetrical emergency that requires immediate, safe and appropriate procedures to gently free the baby’s shoulders and deliver the baby.  If the doctors, nurses or other medical providers apply too much pressure (e.g., fundal pressure or lateral pressure) and/or pulling (traction) to the baby’s head, neck, arm and shoulders during delivery, the baby can suffer a brachial plexus injury such as stretching, tearing, rupture or avulsion of one or more of the five nerves which form the brachial plexus.

Different than Erb’s Palsy, which affects the upper brachial plexus nerves (specifically C5, C6 and C7), Klumpke’s Palsy results from an injury to the two lowest brachial plexus nerves (C8 to T1), which are responsible for controlling movement of the hand and forearm muscles. Therefore, while Klumpke’s Palsy and Erb’s Palsy can be caused by the same type of medical mistake, they’re still two very different injuries.

Symptoms of Klumpke’s Palsy include:

  • Claw hand
  • Drop wrist
  • Paralysis in the forearm and hand
  • Numbness in the forearm and hand

Treatment is limited for this type of hand and forearm injury. Surgery is recommended for damaged nerves that are unable to heal on their own. Additionally, physical therapy will be required. The cost of care for a child with Klumpke’s palsy, or any birth injury, is very high. If your child’s injury was caused by a medical mistake, the experienced Birth Injury lawyers at The Yost Legal Group are here to help.

Call The Yost Legal Group today at 1-800-YOST-LAW (967-8529) for a FREE, confidential, no-obligation consultation. When you call, you will speak with a Baltimore Birth Injury attorney with real experience absolutely free.

At The Yost Legal Group, you will never pay an attorney’s fee unless we achieve a recovery for you. We don’t get paid until you do.

New Study of Pregnant Mothers Taking SSRI Drugs Shows Increased Risk of Birth Complications

A recent study that polled thousands of expecting mothers has revealed a tangible link between the use of SSRI antidepressant medications during pregnancy and several types of serious birth injuries and complications.

This study found that babies that were exposed to opiate pain relievers and certain types of SSRI medication while in utero had a much greater risk of being born underweight and facing additional health problems than children born to mothers that did not use such medication during pregnancy. The rate and severity of the birth complications depended on a number of factors, including the type of SSRI medication prescribed, how long the mother continued taking the prescription, and other environmental factors.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, better known as SSRIs, are antidepressant medications that have come under a great deal of scrutiny lately due to their unintended side effects and tendency to cause physical dependence in some patients. Medications such as Paxil, Prozac, and Zoloft are common forms of SSRI drugs prescribed to millions of Americans every year.

This recent study, conducted by Dr. Stephen W. Patrick and his colleagues at the Vanderbilt University Department of Pediatrics, examined data collected from women enrolled in Tennessee’s Medicaid Program, TennCare. The women polled for this study were between the ages of 15 and 44, and gave birth to their children between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2011.

Here are some of the most revealing statistics discovered during this study:

  • Infants with SSRI exposure during pregnancy were statistically more likely to have respiratory diagnoses, feeding difficulties and seizures.
  • 65% of infants diagnosed with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, or NAS, were born to a mother that filled a prescription for a SSRI and/or opiate pain-relief mediation during pregnancy.
  • When combined with opiate pain relievers, the presence of SSRI medications in pregnant mothers is a strong indication of increased risk of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies born to mothers taking these medications should be monitored in the hospital for a minimum of 4 to 7 days after birth.

The study also warned of increasing overmedication of pregnant mothers. Much more research needs to be done on the use of SSRI drugs, pain relievers, and many other types of medications in pregnant women, as well as the potential links to serious birth complications. Dr. Patrick and his colleagues found that in many cases, there was not a clear reason why these drugs were prescribed to the women in this study.

If you or a loved one are in a position where taking prescription medication during pregnancy is a necessity, make sure you consult your doctor or medical professional thoroughly before beginning treatment.  It is vitally important to the well-being of both mother and child that you and your doctor have a clear plan of what medications are safe for use during pregnancy, and how they will positively impact the health of your baby.

If you or a loved one has experienced complications, birth injuries or birth defects as a result of medical negligence, call The Yost Legal Group right away. If you have been a victim of a medical mistake, there is a limited time to file your claim. Call 1-800-YOST-LAW (967-8529) today to speak with an experienced Baltimore Birth Injury attorney for FREE. 

When you call The Yost Legal Group, Baltimore, Maryland Medical Malpractice and Birth Injury law firm, you will speak with an experienced, compassionate attorney that will help you understand the details of your case and provide the answers you need.

When you trust The Yost Legal Group to represent you, we will never charge an attorney’s fee unless we achieve a recovery for you.

Every mother has the right to a safe, healthy and extraordinary childbirth experience. If your pregnancy had a bad outcome, call The Yost Legal Group today.

The Yost Legal Group – Experienced Attorneys Dedicated to Protecting Your Rights