Generic Drug Manufacturers Oppose FDA Label Proposal

The FDA has proposed label changes that would require generic drug manufacturers to update warning labels when new safety concerns come to light, even if those label changes have not first been made by the original manufacturer of the medication.

The Generic Pharmaceutical Association, a trade group representing generic drug manufacturers, claims the proposed changes would raise the cost of medication and expose off-brand producers to more dangerous medication lawsuits. The FDA claims these changes would create parity by placing equal responsibility on all manufacturers of a medication.

Not Actively Monitoring Safety Concerns

Supporters of the proposed change cite that there is no longer a brand equivalent for approximately 45 percent of the medications currently on the market. Because generic manufacturers are not required to actively monitor safety concerns, that means that around 45 percent of the drugs available today may pose much larger risks than the manufacturers are telling consumers about.

However, because generic manufacturers are not required to update safety information unless it has first been done so by the original manufacturer, victims of these medications are often unable to collect damages following injury. New regulations would make these manufacturers responsible for misleading consumers or failing to provide full information about all of a medication’s potential side-effects.

If you have been injured by a dangerous medication, please contact The Yost Legal Group to schedule a free consultation with one of our Baltimore defective drug attorneys.

New Dog Bite Case Presents Interesting Hurdles

A nationally reported dog bite case is showing just how complex these types of accidents can be. A four-year-old boy, mauled by a neighbor’s dog after wandering into its yard, needs tens of thousands of dollars of reconstructive surgery and has endured untold pain and suffering. Nonetheless, thousands have rallied around the dog, claiming it was simply doing what dogs do and neither the animal nor its owner should be held accountable for the child’s disfigurement.

An attorney working pro bono for the dog states that the animal attacked the child only after the boy attempted to take its ball. The attorney states liability should be placed on the child’s babysitter who failed to keep the boy away from the dog. The boy’s parents and attorney argue that an animal who will maul a child over a ball is not safe to be around people and that the animal should be put down.

Complex Cases

No matter how you personally feel about this case, it illustrates just how complex dog bite litigation can be. When you or a loved one is attacked by an unrestrained animal, you need an experienced personal injury lawyer on your side to help ensure you are treated fairly and provide full compensation. Our Baltimore dog bite attorneys have decades of combined experience and are here to take your case and help you get the justice you deserve.

If you or a loved one has been bitten by a dog, please contact The Yost Legal Group to schedule a free consultation with one of our Baltimore personal injury attorneys.