Clergy Sexual Abuse Lawyers Helping Survivors Seek Justice

The topic of child sexual abuse can be difficult to talk about. It is important to do so to bring justice and healing to survivors.

Recently, news broke that the Archdiocese of Baltimore has filed for bankruptcy. This was due to lawsuits filed on behalf of hundreds of children whom members of the Maryland Catholic Church sexually abused.

The Church is trying to deter claimants from coming forward and seeking justice and restitution.

Please do not let this bankruptcy filing stop you from seeking justice from your abuser. There is still time for you to come forward and make your claim.

No matter how long ago the sexual assault happened by any member of the Catholic Church or anyone who worked for the Catholic Church, seek our legal counsel. Call The Yost Legal Group at 800-967-8529 for a free, confidential consultation.

The Archdiocese of Baltimore has filed for bankruptcy.


Why is it important to come forward now?

Religious leaders hold a sacred responsibility to guide and support their followers. It is truly disheartening when individuals in these positions of authority use their faith to commit acts of sexual abuse and conceal their actions. This is a profound betrayal that cannot be overlooked.

Numerous churches and religious institutions have faced immense scrutiny due to the prevalence of sexual abuse within their ranks.

These institutions have faced criticism for failing to properly address and investigate allegations. The Catholic church is known for not reporting abuse and ensuring the safety of vulnerable individuals, particularly children.

Tragically, we have seen cases of child sexual abuse scandals involving clergy from various religious institutions, including:

  • the Catholic Church
  • Evangelical Christians
  • Jehovah’s Witnesses
  • Orthodox Judaism/Yeshivas
  • the Church of Latter-Day Saints/Mormons
  • the Church of Scientology

It is crucial that we acknowledge the extent of this issue and work together to protect those who have been harmed.

The bankruptcy filing will limit the time you have to file a claim. But it does not limit the time of how long ago the abuse happened. Even if you were sexually assaulted over 50 years ago, we can file a claim on your behalf. It’s just the claim must be filed now to protect your rights.

It is painful for survivors of child sexual abuse to come forward. We understand you need support and protection.

If you or someone you know has been a victim of child sexual abuse by the Maryland Catholic Church, it’s time to come forward to make a claim.  Our clergy sexual abuse attorneys are here to help. Don’t let the Archdiocese of Baltimore bankruptcy scare you away.

The Yost Legal Group fights for clergy abuse survivors rights.


Seeking Legal Representation for a Clergy Sexual Abuse Claim

The first step in making a claim is to seek legal representation. The lawyers at The Yost Legal Group have years of experience representing survivors of child sexual abuse. We are ready to fight for your rights.

Clergy sexual abuse is a traumatizing experience that can have long-lasting effects on survivors. If you’re one of them, you may be facing a difficult choice: should you come forward and hold accountable the Catholic Church for what it has done to you?

The decision alone can be overwhelming, let alone having to relive the traumatic experience. We understand that this is a painful process, but it’s also important to remember that you’re not alone.

Our personal injury law attorneys are here to help you seek justice and compensation for your damages. We are string lawyers for victims, especially child victims.

If you are a survivor of sexual abuse by a Catholic priest or other religious organization, let us file a lawsuit on your behalf.

When you call 1-800-967-8529, you will speak to a compassionate clergy abuse lawyer who will provide you with the support and guidance you need.

We will explain the legal process to you in easy terms. Knowing that you don’t have to face this alone is essential.

Why making a church sexual abuse claim is so important?

To make a claim, you’ll need to provide information about the abuse you suffered. We will listen to your story with care and compassion. We will need to know when and where the abuse occurred, who was involved, and how it has affected you and your life.

One of the reasons why clergy sexual abuse is so under-reported is because survivors don’t know who to trust and who to turn to. The Catholic Church has resources that they use to intimidate victims from speaking out.

This has made survivors feel helpless and vulnerable. At The Yost Legal Group, we are entirely dedicated to serving the best interests of survivors and protecting their right to compensation.

Your safety and comfort are our top priorities. We’ll work tirelessly to ensure you are treated with the respect and dignity you deserve.

You can file a claim without using your name publicly, which can provide a level of privacy and protection. Your child sexual abuse lawyer will walk you through the process and ensure that your rights are protected throughout.

Baltimore church sexual abuse claims lawyer.


What to expect when filing a claim against the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

It’s natural to have questions about what to expect when making a claim. The bankruptcy court will create a fund to compensate survivors. It is important to know that settlements can take some time.

Your lawyer will update you on your case and answer any questions you have along the way.

It’s essential to prioritize your own well-being throughout this process. Seeking support from trusted friends and family can be helpful.

Why is it essential to come forward?

While deciding to come forward can be difficult, it’s a crucial step towards seeking justice and healing.

By coming forward, you are also helping to protect others from experiencing the same type of abuse. It’s important to remember that you have the right to speak your truth and seek compensation for the harm that was done to you.

You deserve support and care throughout this process, and legal representation can provide that.

The Yost Legal Group is fighting for the rights of clergy sexual abuse survivors every day.

If you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual abuse by the Maryland Catholic Church, it’s important to come forward now to protect your rights to compensation.

The Yost Legal Group lawyers are here to help you navigate the legal process with compassion and care. By calling 1-800-967-8529, you can take the first step. It’s time to come forward and make your voice heard.

Our church sexual abuse lawyers are dedicated to clergy abuse survivors’ rights. If you want to file a lawsuit against the catholic church, our victims’ rights attorneys will demand justice for you.

How we charge for our services.

We do not charge any legal fees upfront. In fact, you do not owe us anything until after we settle your child sexual abuse case. If we recover financial compensation for you, our law firm will take a percentage of the fee. If there is no settlement, there are no legal fees or expenses due.

Please feel free to call us with any questions. We genuinely care and are here for you.


Help for Survivors of Clergy Sexual Abuse in Baltimore

Sexual abuse is a terrible crime. It not only violates a person in a physical sense but also robs them of their innocence and dignity. There is help available for Survivors of Clergy Sexual Abuse in Baltimore. This is especially heartbreaking when those in positions of morality, such as members of the Catholic Church, are behind the abuses.

Sadly, this has been the case in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. A report was recently released. It revealed that over 600 children were sexually abused by 150 priests and other church affiliates over the past 80 years.

In this blog, we delve deeper into the report’s findings, the church’s response, and how victim-survivors can seek justice.

The Maryland Attorney General’s Office released the report. It accused the archdiocese of decades of cover-ups. It also painted a damning picture of the church’s failure to protect vulnerable children.

Shockingly, some parishes, schools, and congregations had more than one abuser at the same time. Several instances of multiple abusers were identified at St. Mark Parish in Catonsville. Between 1964 and 2004, 11 abusers lived and worked in the area.

This level of abuse and cover-up is hard to imagine and demands immediate action.

Even if your clergy sexual abuse occurred over 50 years ago, we can seek justice on your behalf.

Making the Church Accountable for Its Crimes

Based on the report’s findings, the church hierarchy has been held culpable for the staggering pervasiveness of the abuse.

The number of abusers and victims is alarming, and so is the severity of the abuser’s behavior. Shockingly, known abusers were often allowed to keep victimizing children.

The report identified 156 individuals who abused over 600 children, but the actual number of victims may be much higher than that.

The report’s disclosure sparked outrage and renewed calls for justice. Victim-survivors deserve justice, restitution, and the opportunity to heal. The Catholic Church must be held accountable for the abuse it allowed to persist for decades.

The church’s response has been a mixed bag so far. Several officials have expressed regret over the abuse, while others have remained silent.

Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore apologized publicly. In his statement, he promised to be part of the solution. He also admitted to the church’s complicity.

He asked believers to use the report’s findings to strengthen their faith. However, many survivors, advocates, and their families are not convinced.

They feel betrayed and have lost all faith in a system that allowed the abuse to go on unchecked.

A Catholic priest is a sexual predator to young boys in Baltimore.

Getting Justice for Those Sexually Abused by the Baltimore Archdiocese

The revelations of sexual abuse within the Archdiocese of Baltimore are shocking. They reveal the corruption that is ingrained in the Catholic Church. We must stand with the survivors of the abuse and demand accountability from church officials.

The Catholic Church must prioritize protecting the innocent and the vulnerable, not its image or reputation. Victims deserve not just apologies but justice – an end to these heinous abuses and the assurance of never again being victimized.

The release of this report is a step in the right direction, and it’s our hope that justice will be served. Together, let us fight for victims’ rights and stamp out sexual abuse in all its forms.

First and foremost, there is no shame in being a victim of sexual abuse. At the Yost Legal Group, we recognize the bravery of those who speak out about their experiences. We are committed to advocating for their rights.

Seeking Financial Justice for Baltimore’s Sexual Abuse Survivors

Every abuse case is unique, and that is why our child sexual abuse lawyers will discuss your situation for free.

The impact of sexual abuse can endure for many years and manifest in different ways. You may suffer from emotional, psychological, and physical trauma that requires treatment and support.

If you or a loved one has been impacted by such an ordeal, you are not alone. The Yost Legal Group can provide the help, support, and guidance you are looking for.

There are ways in which we can seek financial compensation for you as one way to fight back against your abuser.

–      If you have incurred expenses relating to therapy, medical care, and lost income.

–      You may seek compensation for pain and suffering.

–      Other related expenses throughout your life related to your mental and physical well-being.

–      Unable to build your career or advance in job opportunities.

We know that no monetary compensation can right the wrongs that were done to you. It can, however, help you regain some control over your life and help you move forward.

Seeking restitution from the institution that enabled the abuse to occur should not be confused with seeking financial gain. Our sexual abuse attorney division will stand up for you with dignity and respect.

Punishment for those who contributed to the trauma should include economic and legal repercussions. There is now a new law that removes the statute of limitations for adult survivors in the state of Maryland.

The Yost Legal Group is helping survivors of Catholic Church Sexual Abuse claims.


A Catholic priest is a sexual predator to young boys in Baltimore.

The Yost Legal Group Is Here to Help

At the Yost Legal Group, we have experience representing men and women who are sexual abuse survivors by the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

We understand that each case is unique and requires a high level of sensitivity, discretion, and compassion. A clergy sexual abuse lawyer will work tirelessly to ensure that you receive the justice and compensation that you rightfully deserve.

No amount of money can give back what was taken from you. However, holding accountable those who contributed to your trauma can provide a path to healing and recovery. It is your right to take legal action against the catholic priests and their sexual offenses.

The road to recovery can be challenging, but with the right team of professionals by your side, it can be made easier. Contact the Yost Legal Group today and let us help you take the first step towards finding peace of mind.

For too long, vulnerable targets of sexual abuse have been silenced and their trauma ignored. At the Yost Legal Group, a sexual abuse lawyer will fight for your rights while maintaining your privacy. If you have been molested by someone in the church, there is help for sexual abuse survivors.

If you or someone you know is a survivor of sexual abuse by the Archdiocese of Baltimore, don’t suffer in silence. Call a sexual assault lawyer today at 1-800-Yost-Law. Let us help you seek the justice and compensation that you deserve.

Together, we can work towards you taking your power back.