Lead Paint Poisoning Still Effecting Our Most Vulnerable Communities

At The Yost Legal Group, Baltimore Injury and Medical Malpractice law firm, we have represented hundreds of clients dealing with the lingering effects of lead paint poisoning in their children and loved ones. Exposure to lead paint has been indisputably linked to multiple mental and physical developmental ailments that can prove especially harmful to children. Symptoms of lead paint poisoning include:

  • Decreased IQ
  • Dramatic decrease in attention span and hand-eye coordination
  • Loss of short-term memory
  • Stunted growth, decreased muscle mass and chronic muscle pain
  • Hyperactivity, ADD, ADHD, increase in aggressive and/or antisocial behavior

By now, the dangers associated with the use of lead paint are well-known and well documented by all medical professionals. For this reason, the use of lead paint in residential homes was banned by federal law in 1978. However, every year we still hear stories about the lingering effects of this dangerous and toxic substance and the impact it is having on members of our most vulnerable communities.

One 1999 study found that Baltimore city is home to the highest rates of lead paint poisoning among children in the United States. 93,000 children with lead poisoning have been added to the state’s Department of the Environment lead registries over the past two decades. These are key facts to remember when attempting to digest and contextualize the civil unrest that gripped Baltimore following the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray, who died on April 19th, 2015, a week after he was first taken in to Police custody.

The Life and Times of Freddie Gray

Back in 2008, Gray and his siblings filed a lead-poisoning lawsuit against the property manager of the Sandtown-Winchester neighborhood home where he and his family grew up. The suit resulted in a settlement on behalf of the Grays, who demonstrated that Freddie and his siblings were exposed to an extremely dangerous amount of lead paint very early on in their lives. In fact, when Freddie was only 22 months old, medical tests revealed that his blood contained 37 micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood. It is currently believed that a reading of only 5 micrograms of lead per deciliter is enough to cripple a child’s cognitive development.

Unsurprisingly, Freddie, his twin sister Fredericka, and an older sister, were all diagnosed with ADD, ADHD and aggressive tendencies nearly the second they were introduced into public schools. Their constant battle with this illness, which all too often goes unrecognized by teachers, parents and guardians, made education and normal childhood development a struggle for Freddie and his siblings.

According to many experts on the subject, these are precisely the types of developmental struggles that make it extremely difficult for impoverished African-American families to break free of the cycles of violence, drug abuse and criminal behavior that have plagued their communities for decades.

The Legacy of Lead in Baltimore

Tragically, entire communities are being forced due to financial constraints to live in low-income areas where homes and apartments are not properly inspected by housing or public health officials. A disproportionate amount of these homes still contain high levels of lead paint almost 40 years after it was originally banned.

In higher income neighborhoods in either the City or Baltimore County, even a trace amount of lead paint would necessitate immediate action from public health officials, rental and homeowners associations, and even politicians.

However, when the most impoverished members of our society are forced to deal with these struggles for decades, the problem is either ignored, swept under the rug or outright denied by the companies and property owners that are too concerned with turning a profit to bring their structures up to code.

Ruth Ann Norton, the executive director of the Coalition to End Childhood Lead Poisoning, recently told the Washington Post that “a child who was poisoned with lead is seven times more likely to drop out of school and six times more likely to end up in the juvenile justice system.” While exposure to lead paint certainly does not excuse criminal or anti-social behavior, it certainly indicates a disturbing trend among young people in our city’s most economically disadvantaged communities.

Freddie Gray was not alone in his struggle to not only overcome, but to even fundamentally understand, the massive public health failure that victimized both him and his siblings. Much more research and funding needs to be implemented in order to properly understand and combat the effects of lead-poisoning in impoverished neighborhoods.

Where to Turn for Help

When families and children are forced to live in homes that are unsafe, in a constant state of disrepair and in blatant violation of health codes, the property managers that are responsible for these conditions must be held responsible. At The Yost Legal Group, experienced Baltimore lawyers are helping people and families who have suffered from years of Lead Paint Poisoning exposure.

We have seen this cycle of illness impact far too many families. We want to do our part to help families and children who have been harmed from exposure to lead get the justice they deserve.

If you or a loved one feel you may be a victim of exposure to lead paint, call The Yost Legal Group today for help.

There are many resources available online on the topic of lead paint, including safety and prevention tips, tools and training, and more. Visit the Center for Disease Control’s Lead Paint Prevention Program here, or visit the Green & Healthy Homes Initiative here.

If you believe you are a victim of lead poisoning or lead paint exposure, call The Yost Legal Group right away at 1-800-YOST-LAW (967-8529). Our law firm has years of experience in aggressive litigation of lead paint poisoning claims. We have successfully won millions of dollars for suffering families, even in situations where the child may have been exposed many years ago.

Our attorneys have the knowledge and experience to litigate your lead paint poisoning case on your behalf and fight to receive a fair settlement. When you call The Yost Legal Group for help, you will never be charged an attorney’s fee unless we achieve a recovery for you.

Don’t wait until it is too late. Trust The Yost Legal Group to determine the best course of action for you and your family.

Call for a free consultation. And if there is no recovery, there is no legal fee.

The Yost Legal Group – Experienced Attorneys Dedicated to Protecting Your Rights

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

At The Yost Legal Group, Baltimore, Maryland Accident and Personal Injury law firm, we advocate for the rights of injured motorcycle riders. Attorney Tom Yost himself is a huge motorcycle enthusiast.

We take rider safety extremely seriously, which is why it is so important to the attorneys at The Yost Legal Group to stress the importance of wearing a motorcycle helmet as bikers return to Maryland’s roads and highways this summer.

The most important thing a biker can do to protect themselves is to wear their helmet. Here are some statistics that illustrate the life-saving power of modern motorcycle helmets:

  • Maryland is one of 19 states in the U.S that enforce mandatory helmet laws for all riders, regardless of their age.
  • The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that the lives of 34 Maryland riders were saved by a motorcycle helmet in 2012 alone.
  • Studies have shown that riders that wear a helmet are 29% less likely to be killed in an accident and 3x less likely to suffer a traumatic brain injury than riders who do not wear helmets.

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, and The Yost Legal Group is doing our part to bring attention to this important campaign by sharing some important facts and information about motorcycle helmets.

To highlight the importance of wearing a helmet, we took a look at how the motorcycle helmet has evolved and improved over time. Learn more about the evolution of the motorcycle helmet, and make sure you choose a helmet that is right for you before you get back on your bike this summer!

(Click Image to Enlarge)

Be sure to share this link with your friends, family and fellow riders on social media!

If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident that was not your fault, you need an experienced Baltimore, Maryland Personal Injury and Accident attorney by your side. At The Yost Legal Group, we have years of experience representing the rights of riders and will work hard to secure the maximum compensation for your serious injuries.

Call The Yost Legal Group today at 1-800-YOST-LAW (967-8529) to receive a FREE, confidential and no-obligation consultation. When you trust The Yost Legal Group to represent you, you will never pay an attorney’s fee unless we achieve a recovery for you.

The Yost Legal Group – Experienced Attorneys Dedicated to Protecting Your Rights

New Study of Pregnant Mothers Taking SSRI Drugs Shows Increased Risk of Birth Complications

A recent study that polled thousands of expecting mothers has revealed a tangible link between the use of SSRI antidepressant medications during pregnancy and several types of serious birth injuries and complications.

This study found that babies that were exposed to opiate pain relievers and certain types of SSRI medication while in utero had a much greater risk of being born underweight and facing additional health problems than children born to mothers that did not use such medication during pregnancy. The rate and severity of the birth complications depended on a number of factors, including the type of SSRI medication prescribed, how long the mother continued taking the prescription, and other environmental factors.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, better known as SSRIs, are antidepressant medications that have come under a great deal of scrutiny lately due to their unintended side effects and tendency to cause physical dependence in some patients. Medications such as Paxil, Prozac, and Zoloft are common forms of SSRI drugs prescribed to millions of Americans every year.

This recent study, conducted by Dr. Stephen W. Patrick and his colleagues at the Vanderbilt University Department of Pediatrics, examined data collected from women enrolled in Tennessee’s Medicaid Program, TennCare. The women polled for this study were between the ages of 15 and 44, and gave birth to their children between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2011.

Here are some of the most revealing statistics discovered during this study:

  • Infants with SSRI exposure during pregnancy were statistically more likely to have respiratory diagnoses, feeding difficulties and seizures.
  • 65% of infants diagnosed with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, or NAS, were born to a mother that filled a prescription for a SSRI and/or opiate pain-relief mediation during pregnancy.
  • When combined with opiate pain relievers, the presence of SSRI medications in pregnant mothers is a strong indication of increased risk of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies born to mothers taking these medications should be monitored in the hospital for a minimum of 4 to 7 days after birth.

The study also warned of increasing overmedication of pregnant mothers. Much more research needs to be done on the use of SSRI drugs, pain relievers, and many other types of medications in pregnant women, as well as the potential links to serious birth complications. Dr. Patrick and his colleagues found that in many cases, there was not a clear reason why these drugs were prescribed to the women in this study.

If you or a loved one are in a position where taking prescription medication during pregnancy is a necessity, make sure you consult your doctor or medical professional thoroughly before beginning treatment.  It is vitally important to the well-being of both mother and child that you and your doctor have a clear plan of what medications are safe for use during pregnancy, and how they will positively impact the health of your baby.

If you or a loved one has experienced complications, birth injuries or birth defects as a result of medical negligence, call The Yost Legal Group right away. If you have been a victim of a medical mistake, there is a limited time to file your claim. Call 1-800-YOST-LAW (967-8529) today to speak with an experienced Baltimore Birth Injury attorney for FREE. 

When you call The Yost Legal Group, Baltimore, Maryland Medical Malpractice and Birth Injury law firm, you will speak with an experienced, compassionate attorney that will help you understand the details of your case and provide the answers you need.

When you trust The Yost Legal Group to represent you, we will never charge an attorney’s fee unless we achieve a recovery for you.

Every mother has the right to a safe, healthy and extraordinary childbirth experience. If your pregnancy had a bad outcome, call The Yost Legal Group today.

The Yost Legal Group – Experienced Attorneys Dedicated to Protecting Your Rights

Study Finds Diabetes Drug Glyburide Increases Risk of Birth Injury among Pregnant Mothers

A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association’s (JAMA) Pediatrics edition has found a strong link between the diabetes drug glyburide and several severe birth complications including respiratory distress, hypoglycemia, and large size for gestational age. Glyburide is a widely used drug prescribed to pregnant women to treat gestational diabetes mellitus, also known as diabetes developed during pregnancy or GDM.

Gestational Diabetes is a somewhat common condition that occurs in between 200,000 and 3 million women every year in the U.S. The JAMA study examined a large and diverse group of expecting mothers who had developed diabetes, or any degree of glucose intolerance, after becoming pregnant. After examining the results of the study, it was determined that women treated for Gestational Diabetes with the drug glyburide were far more likely to experience birth complications than mothers that were treated with normal insulin.

Mothers treated with glyburide were found to be at a higher risk to give birth to children that would require neonatal intensive care admission than those that received treatment with insulin. Children of mothers that were treated with glyburide were also found to be more likely to develop hypoglycemia, respiratory distress, birth injury, and were more likely to be large for their gestational age.

The study found that women treated for GDM with glyburide rather than insulin were:

  • 2.97% more likely to require neonatal intensive care unit admission
  • 1.41% more likely to give birth to a child that is large for gestational age
  • 1.11% more likely to give birth to a child with respiratory distress

Glyburide is currently a widely prescribed GDM medication for pregnant women all over the country. The results of this study have now called into question the safety and efficacy of the drug, and the JAMA concluded that much more significant testing must be done before the drug can be declared safe for use in expecting mothers.

Women who are pregnant must be meticulously careful about everything that they eat and drink, as well as what medications they take. Small changes in diet or prescription medication can have a lasting and dramatic impact on the health of a fetus, which is why it is so vitally important for drug manufacturers to properly test all medication before declaring a drug safe for use in pregnant women.

When mothers experience tragic birth injuries as a result of a defective or unsafe medication, drug manufacturers must be held accountable. At The Yost Legal Group, Baltimore, Maryland Defective Drug law firm, we aggressively litigate a wide array of defective drug cases, and have both the medical and legal knowledge required to pursue major insurance and pharmaceutical companies.

If you experienced any problems during birth, if your child was born with a birth defect, or if the birth resulted in trauma to the baby, call The Yost Legal Group at 1-800-YOST-LAW (967-8529). When you call, you will speak with an experienced Baltimore Birth Injury attorney who will review your situation for free.

The Yost Legal Group – Experienced Lawyers Dedicated to Protecting Your Rights

Spring is Crucial Season for Motorcycle Safety Awareness

Every year, the return of spring and warm weather brings out hundreds of thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts to Maryland’s roads and highways. Riding a motorcycle is a wonderful way to relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Baltimore and the surrounding areas. However, with more motorcyclists returning to the road, spring is also an extremely important opportunity to discuss some basic facts about motorcycle safety.

  • Nationwide, 4,957 motorcyclists were killed in traffic accidents in 2012.
  • In Maryland, there were 62 motorcyclist fatalities in 2013, the most recent year for which data is available. The number of fatalities in Maryland decreased from 78 in 2012.
  • Of those 62 fatally injured riders, only 5 were not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that a total of 34 lives were saved in Maryland motorcycle accidents through the use of helmets.

Maryland is one of 19 states in the U.S that currently enforces universal motorcycle helmet laws on all of its citizens. In Maryland, riding a motorcycle without a helmet can result in a fine of up to $500. While wearing a helmet cannot prevent traffic accidents from happening, they are a motorcyclist’s most crucial piece of safety equipment. Choosing the correct motorcycle helmet for you or your loved one is the first step towards practicing proper motorcycle safety.

There are three types of helmets to choose from:

  • Full Face: Covers the entire head and provides the maximum amount of protection. Full Face helmets also offer eye protection and reduce wind noise.
  • Three Quarter: Covers the back, top and side of the head but not the whole face. Most models also feature eye shields.
  • Half Helmet: Cover the top of the head only and offer the least protection.

Wearing and properly securing your helmet is far from the only factor that impacts the safety of motorcycle riders. As with all motor vehicles, the proper training and experience is a vitally important factor in ensuring that motorcyclists arrive at their destinations safely. Before getting on a motorcycle, be sure you undergo the proper training with a licensed Maryland motorcycle instructor.

Another crucial part of motorcycle safety places shared responsibility on both motorcyclists and passenger vehicle drivers. Driver inattention is a tragically common factor in many motorcycle accidents. All motorists must remember that motorcycles have a right to safely utilize roads and highways as well.

Car drivers should:

  • Be aware of motorcyclists at all times on the roads
  • Check your blind spots frequently
  • Keep a safe distance between your vehicle and any motorcycles in front of you
  • Especially watch when making a left hand turn

Remember, small road hazards such as potholes, downed tree branches or other debris don’t mean much for passenger vehicles, but could mean the difference between life and death for a motorcyclist.

Below are a few other key statistics to keep in mind as motorcycle season kicks into high gear:

  • Per vehicle mile traveled, motorcyclists were 5X more likely to be injured or killed in a crash than other drivers.
  • Per vehicle mile traveled, motorcyclists were approximately 26X more likely than passenger car occupants to be killed in a crash.
  • 1 in 25 motorcycle accidents results in a fatality.

If you or a loved one has been a victim of a motorcycle accident that was caused by another driver, you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain & suffering and more.

Dealing with insurance companies and expensive medical bills is a difficult and draining process. When injured, you need to focus on your recovery, which is why you need to turn to the experienced motorcycle accident attorneys at The Yost Legal Group.  Our legal team is highly experienced in all Maryland driving laws and statutes, and will compassionately and thoroughly advocate for your rights as a victim.

Call The Yost Legal Group, Baltimore, Maryland Accident and Personal Injury law firm today at 1-800-YOST-LAW (967-8529). When you call, you will receive a FREE, no-obligation consultation with one of our legal experts. We will help you understand the details of your case, and will stand with you from the start of your claim through to the finish.

The Yost Legal Group – Experienced Attorneys Dedicated to Protecting Your Rights

Popular Morning Sickness Drug Zofran Linked to Serious Birth Injuries

Nausea and vomiting are common in early pregnancy and may actually serve to protect the developing fetus. Most symptoms of so-called “morning sickness” can be managed conservatively without resorting to medication. This is important because between the years of 1980 and 2014, there were no morning sickness drugs on the market that had passed the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) approval process. This approval process is where drug companies must show testing that establishes both the safety and efficacy of their medication. Several previous anti-nausea drugs given to pregnant women caused severe birth defects and were taken off the market as a result.

However, when a drug is approved by the FDA for one use, doctors are free to prescribe it “off-label” for other medical conditions. GlaxoSmithKline (“GSK”) took its popular cancer drug Zofran and marketed it “off-label” for use in pregnant women to help alleviate morning sickness. In spite of the fact that drug companies are prohibited from promoting sales of their drugs for uses which were not safety tested and FDA approved, GSK marketed Zofran “off-label” to obstetricians who often prescribed it to pregnant women. Over 110,000 Zofran prescriptions are estimated to have been written to expecting mothers in 2013 alone. Doctors were not told by the drug company about the risks associated with Zofran.

It is clear that GSK put sales ahead of the safety of their customers.

Studies show that using Zofran during the first 10 weeks of pregnancy doubles a woman’s risk for having a baby with a cleft palate or heart defects. Further research on the potential harm Zofran caused to unborn children is ongoing, but both the FDA and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have cautioned against the use of Zofran during pregnancy.

The United States brought suit against GSK related to its “off-label” promotion, including the off-label promotion of Zofran for use in treating morning sickness. In 2012, GSK agreed to pay more than a billion dollars to settle the government’s claims.  Now, women across the country are bringing suit against GSK on behalf of their babies who were born with cleft palates, limb deformities, and heart defects.

We at the Yost Legal Group are experienced pharmaceutical and birth injury attorneys.  If you or a loved one has been seriously injured as a result of using Zofran during pregnancy, you may be entitled to compensation.  Call 1-800-YOST-LAW (967-8529) for help.

There is no attorney’s fee or expense unless you recover.

The Yost Legal Group – Experienced Attorneys Dedicated to Protecting Your Rights

March Is Traumatic Brain Injury Awareness Month

Traumatic Brain Injury, or TBI, is a complex medical condition that can occur when the brain or skull suffers a sudden blow or trauma. TBI is an extremely difficult condition to diagnose, and can come with a broad spectrum of symptoms. Unfortunately, thousands of Americans will be a victim of a TBI every year, making this one of the leading causes of death and disability in the United States.

March of 2015 is National Traumatic Brian Injury Awareness Month, and at The Yost Legal Group, Baltimore Personal Injury Law Firm, we want to do our part to bring this issue to the forefront of the national conversation. In honor of this important occasion, we have created a brand new Infographic that sheds some light on the harsh realities of suffering and living with a TBI.

(Click image to enlarge)

The Yost Legal Group Traumatic Brain Injury Statistics Small

A TBI can lead to a lifetime of medical care and difficult rehabilitation for victims. In addition to the physical pain suffered by TBI victims, the medical costs associated with these types of injuries can be astronomical as well. For the rest of the month, help The Yost Legal Group raise awareness and show support to victims of TBI and the families and loved ones who support them.

By sharing this information and increasing the national education level about TBI, we can help prevent future catastrophic injuries from occurring.

If you or a loved one has been a victim of a TBI, you will need an experienced legal team on your side to help you handle the care and medical costs associated with your serious injury. The Yost Legal Group has the experience you need to obtain the justice you deserve for suffering from a traumatic brain injury. Our attorneys work with life care planners, medical experts and economists to determine the costs of future care, lost earning potential, and damages for pain and suffering.

Call us today at 1-800-YOST-LAW (967-8529) to receive a FREE, confidential and no-obligation consultation. You can speak with a compassionate, dedicated attorney that will help you understand the details of your case and will fight to secure a lifetime of care for you and your family.

Click here to learn more, and use the code below to share this Infographic with your friends, family and colleagues on social media! Together, we can help raise national awareness about the serious reality of Traumatic Brain Injuries.

The Yost Legal Group – Experienced Lawyers Dedicated to Protecting Your Rights

Police Officer’s Car Struck by Intoxicated Driver in Howard County

For the second time in just over a week, Howard County Police are reporting that an Officer’s patrol car was struck by an intoxicated driver.

The most recent incident took place at around 10:30pm on Friday, March 6th on Washington Boulevard in Laurel, MD. According to the Police report, the Officer was traveling southbound when an intoxicated driver traveling in the opposite direction attempted to make a left-hand turn across several lanes of traffic. The driver failed to yield to oncoming traffic and struck the Officer’s car head-on. Thankfully, while the patrol car sustained some significant damage, the Officer was not seriously injured and the driver was arrested for DUI.

In another recent but unrelated incident, a separate Police Officer in Howard County also had their patrol car struck by a drunk driver in the early morning of Saturday, February 28th. In this case, the Officer had parked their vehicle on the shoulder of Old Columbia Pike to conduct a field sobriety test of another motorist. While administering the test, another car, also driven by an intoxicated driver, veered off the road and struck the parked patrol car. Fortunately, no one was hurt in this accident either, and both drivers involved were arrested and charged with DUI.

This flurry of Drunk Driving activity putting Maryland’s Police Officers in danger illustrates that no one is safe from the danger of intoxicated drivers.

Here are some disturbing statistics that show just how dangerous and widespread the Drunk Driving problem in the U.S has become:

  • According the Center for Disease Control, in 2012 nationwide, 10,322 people were killed in vehicle accidents that involved alcohol. This number accounted for 31% of all traffic-related casualties in the U.S.
  • Nationwide, motor vehicle accidents involving alcohol are estimated to cost the country roughly $37 billion every year.
  • In Maryland in 2012, there were 160 total fatalities in vehicle accidents involving alcohol.
  • In Maryland in 2012, there were a total of 16,769 arrests made for Driving Under the Influence.
  • Among Maryland drivers that were involved in fatal crashes with a Blood Alcohol Content of 0.15% or above, 75% were repeat offenders.

By getting behind the wheel and driving while impaired, drunk drivers put their lives and the lives of everyone around them at great risk. This is the most selfish and irresponsible behavior in which a motorist can engage, and at The Yost Legal Group, we want to help spread awareness about the problem so that we can put an end to Drunk Driving once and for all.

At The Yost Legal Group, we have seen first-hand the damage that Drunk Driving can cause for victims and their families. For this reason, we are dedicated to representing the rights of victims to the fullest, and will always fight to secure the maximum compensation to which our clients are entitled for their serious injuries.

If you or a loved one has been a victim of a drunk driver, you will need an experienced Maryland Drunk Driving attorney on your side. Call The Yost Legal Group today at 1-800-YOST-LAW (967-8529) for a FREE and confidential consultation. Our team of dedicated, compassionate and experienced attorneys will review the details of your case and will stand with you from the start of your claim through to the finish.

If you have been injured in an auto accident that was not your fault, don’t wait. Call today.

The Yost Legal Group – Experienced Lawyers Dedicated to Protecting Your Rights

Study Finds Maryland Drivers Most Likely to Text and Drive

A new study commissioned by AAA has found that a majority of drivers are well aware of the dangers of distracted driving, yet continue to engage in the risky practice anyway. The study also found that drivers in Maryland are the most likely group of drivers in the nation to text behind the wheel. The conclusions found in this study are disturbing, and demonstrate that drivers often choose to disregard facts and statistics about dangerous driving practices.

At The Yost Legal Group, we continue to work hard to spread awareness about the dangers of Distracted Driving, which include texting & driving and drinking & driving.

The AAA study found some very interesting statistics that shed some light on why we continue to see so many distracted driving accidents in Maryland despite the fact that the dangers of the practice are well publicized. Here are some of the most eye-opening findings from this study:

  • 1 in 4 Maryland drivers reported being in a serious car accident within the last two years, and yet 33% of Marylanders still admitted to using their phones while driving.
  • The number of Maryland drivers that admitted to texting and driving is 6 percentage points higher than the national average of only 27%.
  • Approximately 67%, roughly two thirds of respondents, indicated that they believed hands-free devices were safe to use while driving. Numerous studies have shown that this is false, and that the distraction of a conversation is more than enough to put drivers and those around them at a higher risk to be involved in an accident.
  • 60% of Marylanders admit to speeding on residential and neighborhood streets.
  • The number of Maryland drivers that admitted to speeding in residential areas is 12% higher than the national average.

The national awareness program Distraction.gov is an organization dedicated to spreading awareness about the dangers of distracted driving, especially among younger motorists. Many parents will attest to the fact that their teenagers can sometimes seem inseparable from their phones and mobile devices, but using this technology while behind the wheel can be deadly. Here are some key facts to remember:

  • Sending a text message while driving at a speed of 55mph is roughly equivalent to driving the entire length of a football field while blindfolded.
  • Drivers that text behind the wheel are 20 times more likely to be involved in an accident than non-distracted drivers.
  • Talking on a cell phone while driving reduces the amount of brain activity focused on the road and your surroundings by 37%.

If you are the parent of a young or teenage driver be sure to speak with them about the dangers of this habit early and often. Instilling good driving habits at an early age will be a crucial tool that parents and community leaders can use to reduce the number of motorists involved in distracted driver accidents.

If you or a loved one has been injured by a distracted, intoxicated or reckless driver, you will need an experienced legal team on your side to ensure that your rights as a victim are protected. The Yost Legal Group has years of experience dealing with all types of Auto Accident and Injury cases, and we promise to represent your rights to the fullest.

Call The Yost Legal Group today at 1-800-YOST-LAW (967-8529) to speak with an experienced, dedicated and compassionate attorney about your case. You will receive a FREE, confidential consultation with a Baltimore, Maryland Auto Accident attorney that will help you understand the details of your case. If you’ve been injured, don’t wait. Call today.

The Yost Legal Group – Experienced Lawyers Dedicated to Protecting Your Rights.

Recent Series of Pedestrian Accidents Cause Delays, Safety Concerns

A series of pedestrian accidents, including two hit-and-runs, has left three Maryland residents fatally injured and at least one other in critical condition. Beginning during the evening of Saturday, January 31st and continuing through to Monday night, 3 separate and unrelated accidents have caused serious public concern while also contributing to long delays along major Baltimore roadways.

One accident took place at around 9:15pm on Sunday, February 1st along the Baltimore-Maryland Parkway. Police say that two motorists had stopped along the side of the road to repair a flat tire when they were struck by a car that continued driving without stopping. One victim was pronounced dead shortly after Police arrived at the scene, while the other was transported to a local hospital with what has been described as injuries that were serious, but not life-threatening.

Roughly 24 hours prior to this accident, another pedestrian was struck and killed on the Parkway north of Route 100 in the Hanover area. This accident also involved a motorist who was struck by a vehicle after exiting her car along the side of the road.

The final and most recent accident took place on Interstate 95 at around 9:15pm Monday night. This accident also left a pedestrian fatally injured and forced Police to shut down I-95 Northbound for about 2 ½ hours while they conducted their investigation. The full details of this accident are still unclear at this time. Police are still investigating all three of these cases and are urging anyone with any information to call Maryland State Police at 410-761-5130.

A 2013 report by the Governors Highway Safety Association found that pedestrian deaths in Maryland increased between 2012 and 2013 from 45 to 58. Full data from 2014 is not yet available, but thus far in 2015, 4 pedestrians have been killed on Maryland roads after being struck by moving vehicles. The fact that three of those four deaths took place between Saturday and Monday night is extremely concerning and stresses the importance of being cautious when exiting your vehicle, especially during evening hours. Data suggests that nearly one in three pedestrian fatalities occurs between the hours of 8 and 11:59pm.

If you or a loved one has been injured by a moving vehicle while biking, crossing the street, jogging, or simply walking on the sidewalk, you may be entitled to compensation. Trust the Auto and Pedestrian Accident experts at The Yost Legal Group to handle your case with the utmost care and attention to detail.

Our experienced team of Baltimore Personal Injury and Accident attorneys will tirelessly represent you and will ensure that you receive the proper compensation for your injuries. Call us today at 1-800-YOST-LAW (967-8529) to receive a FREE, confidential and no-obligation consultation. We will work hard to secure the justice you deserve.

The Yost Legal Group – Experienced Lawyers Dedicated to Protecting Your Rights.